Organize a Secret Santa with family, friends or colleagues

+ 7 millions draws already started!

Secret Santa organizer

Organize your Secret Santa ...

  • with Familly
    for Christmas in your close or wider circle, with or without children. From 3 participants onwards!
  • with Friends
    on New Year's Eve or at any time of the year!
  • with Colleagues
    within a work group or company-wide - from 3 to 5000 participants !

How does it work?

Create your event some weeks or days before the gift exchange.

Event preparation with customized rules
Draw lots
The participants start their draws
Looking for gifts
Everyone finds the gift
Gifts exchange
We exchange gifts on the Big day

Powerful features!

  • Organize a Secret Santa remotely!

  • 3 draw modes: A) Secret Santa until the Big day, B) Revealed to all from the draw C) Full secret to all until the big day

  • From 1 to 5 draws per participant

  • Define groups & rules for drawing

  • Exchange anonymous messages with your Santa

  • Compile your wish list (proposed models) and share it

  • Lots of gift ideas !

  • Contribute to the respect of our planet!

  • A familly
    February 2019
    Our family was scattered around the world last year, with many of us abroad. We decided to arrange a Secret Santa using already in November, so that everyone would have enough time to send their gifts before Christmas. It was a great success! The messaging system allowed us to enjoy the Christmas period together, even though we were far apart, and above all allowed us to share many laughs!!
  • Charlie
    December 2019
    Last year, we arranged a big Christmas draw with the whole family. We all got together to celebrate, a little later, during our holidays in February in a big chalet in the Alps! The Christmas spirit was truly with us! 
  • Julie
    January 2019
    As friends, we wanted to exchange gifts to celebrate the end of the year. We organized a Secret Santa themed "winter sports" (maximum 15 euros per gift). It was great fun and the unwrapping of the gifts had us rolling with laughter! We're doing it again this year!!
  • Tati
    December 2016
    At my company, we usually celebrate Christmas with a small, traditional cocktail party. Last year, to add a fun element, we used to organize a Secret Santa and exchange gifts among colleagues in my department.
Logs :
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